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Windows hacking with Arcanus : Part 1

Hello aspiring hackers. Today we will learn how to do Windows hacking with Arcanus Framework. Arcanus is a customized payload generator that can generate payloads which are undetectable by almost all of the antiviruses (till date ). This could be very useful in penetration testing.

Today we will see how to get a shell on a remote Windows system with this tool. Before we do anything, we need to install golang. Install Golang and then clone the Arcanus git as shown below.

Navigate to the ARCANUS directory created and view its contents. We should see a file ARCANUS_x86. We will generate a x_86 payload. First change its permissions as shown below.

Next run this file. You should see an ARCANUS logo as shown below.

You will see five options as shown below. Since we are about to hack windows, we will generate a windows payload by choosing option 2.

Image explaining Windows hacking with Arcanus framework

It will prompt you for the attacker IP address ( in our case the address of Kali Linux ) and a port on which you to listen for the reverse shell. Enter the values and hit “Enter”.

It will generate the payload and automatically start a listener as shown below.

The payload will be generated with the name “payload.exe” as shown below in the ARCANUS directory.

Next we need to send this payload to the victim. When the victim clicks on the payload we sent, we will get a shell of the victim as shown below.

That’ s all in Windows hacking with Arcanus. See how to hack Linux with Arcanus.

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Using MS15-100 vulnerability to hack Windows

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In this howto, we will see how to hack Windows 7 with MS15-100 with recently released ms15-100 Microsoft Windows Media Center MCL exploit. For this, I am gonna use pentest lab i created in our previous howto. I am using Kali Linux as my attacker system for hacking windows 7.

Start Metasploit by typing command “msfconsole”. Search for our exploit using command as shown below.

hack windows 7

Load the exploit as shown below.

Set the IP address of Kali Linux to “srvhost” option. Set payload as “windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp“. Set Lhost as IP address of Kali Linux.

Check if all the necessary options are set by typing command “show options“. Now run the exploit by typing command “exploit“. You will get the following result. Now copy the underlined link and send it to your victim.

When your victim clicks on the link, he will get a popup asking him to download and save the file.

When the user clicks on the downloaded file, we will get a meterpreter session on our attacker system as shown below. Type command “sessions -l ” to see the available sessions. We have one session available below.

Type command “sessions -i 1“( 1 is the session number available to us and can vary for you) to use the meterpreter session. Type “sysinfo” to know about the target system. Hurrah, we have successfully hacked our target.

That’s how we hack Windows 7 with MS15-100 exploit.