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SetUID privilege escalation in Linux

Hello, aspiring Ethical Hackers. In this article, you will learn how to perform SetUID privilege escalation in Linux. In our previous article, we have exploited cron jobs to change SetUID bit of an executable. What exactly is a SetUID bit?

SETUID stands for Set User ID on execution. This allows a user with low privileges to run a command with higher privileges. The difference between SUDO and SETUID is that in SUDO you can execute a command only if the root user can do it.

With the concept of SETUID understood, let’s see how binaries with SETUID bit set can be found. One way to find them is by using find command as shown below.

setuid privilege escalation

Here are some examples of gaining root privileges by exploiting programs with SETUID bit set.

1. bash

2. csh

3. env

4. nice

5. node

6. setarch

7. stdbuf

8. strace

9. taskset

10. tclsh

11. time

12. timeout

13. unshared

14. xargs

15. php

16. expect

17. find

18. python

19. flock

20. gdb

21. ionice

22. logsave

23. make

These are some examples of linux privilege escalation by exploiting SETUID bit.

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Linux Privilege Escalation : Cron Jobs

Hello aspiring Ethical hackers. In this article you will learn how to exploit Cron jobs for Linux Privilege Escalation. If you are familiar with Windows Task Scheduler you will readily understand what cron is. Yes, it is used to schedule jobs or commands in Linux.
For example you have a Linux server and want to clean cache regularly once a day. You can do this manually everyday or schedule a job to do this daily without your intervention. Here’s where cron jobs assist you. You can assign a job in cron. Sometimes these jobs are assigned with root privileges and these can be exploited to gain root privileges. Let’s see it practically.

For this article, we have a target on which we already gained a shell. Then I ran the privilege escalation script on the target to find ways to elevate privileges on the target.

As I scroll down the output of our file, we can see our target has some cron jobs set.

linux privilege escalation with cron jobs

As you can see in the above images, we can set cron jobs monthly, daily or hourly. But our job here is to not schedule cron jobs. It is to exploit them. As we scroll down further, we can see the format of a cron job.

In the above image, you can see the exact format of a cron job. It is minutes first, hours, day of month, month and day of week. We can see a cron job named /opt/ that is scheduled to run at the 00:00 time of first day of the first month of every year. That is the occasion of New Year.

But what does * * * * * mean? It means these cron jobs are scheduled to run every minute of every hour of every day of the week (i.e daily) , every month. That typically means these jobs run each and every minute. The important thing to notice here is that all these jobs are running as user “root”.

Let’s manipulate one the these scripts, let’s say /opt/ We have a SETUID bit set on “dash” shell, one of the shells installed on the target system.(We will see in a short while what SETUID is). This can be seen in the image below.

We are editing the file with a command “chmod u-s /bin/dash”. This will remove the SETUID bit. Wait for one minute and check the /bin/dash command.

The SETUID bit is removed. Not just that, we can add new users on the target system as shown below.

That’s how cron jobs can be exploited for linux privilege escalation.

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PrintNightmare, Privilege Escalation in Powershell

PrintNightmare is a critical vulnerability affecting the Microsoft Windows operating systems. The recently disclosed vulnerability is present in the print spooler service of Microsoft Windows. The printer spooler service is used for printing services and is turned on by default. The versions of Windows vulnerable to PrintNightmare include Windows 7 to Windows 10 and windows Server 2008 to the latest version of Windows Servers.

The PrintNightmare vulnerability has two variants : one is enabling remote code execution (CVE-2021-34527) and the other privilege escalation (CVE-2021-1675). In this article, readers will see a demonstration of exploiting the privilege escalation vulnerability in PrintNightmare.
For this demonstration, we will use Windows 10 version 1809. The Powershell Script we used in this demo can be downloaded from Github.

In this scenario, imagine I already have access to the target machine as a user with low privileges. Let me demonstrate it to you. The first thing I need to confirm is whether the printer spooler service is running on the target system or not. This can be done using powershell command “Get-Service -Name “spooler”“.

The print spooler service is running. Now I can exploit it. Before that let me show you that I am a user with limited privileges i.e as “user 1” with very limited privileges.

Next, I already downloaded the Powershell script I need to exploit the Printnightmare vulnerability .So I moved to the Downloads folder where the Powershell script is saved. Once I am inside that folder, I run the command

Import-Module .\ <script Name>“as shown below.

Once the Powershell module is imported, I can execute the script with command
Invoke-Nightmare -NewUser “<username to create >” -NewPassword <password for that new user> DriverName “PrintMe”
This command will create a new user with administrator privileges.

How to exploit printnightmare

In the image above, you can see the existence of new user named “hacker” which I created. Now, let’s check the privileges of this user.

As readers can see, the new user I created belongs to the local administrators group. I reboot the system and try to login as that user.

The exploitation is successful.

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Bypassuac COMHijack Privilege Escalation Exploit

Recently, readers saw the Windows Fodhelper Privilege escalation exploit. Today we will learn about another Windows privilege escalation exploit that works on machines from Windows 7 to Windows 10. This exploit bypasses the User Account Control of the Windows and gives us system privileges. Its called Windows BypassUAC COMhijack exploit. How does it do this? Let us see.

COM stands for Component Object Model. It acts as a binary interface between various processes of different programming languages. In Windows, is is the basis for several other Microsoft technologies like OLE, OLE Automation, Browser Helper Object, ActiveX, COM+, DCOM, Windows shell, DirectX and Windows Runtime.

This module will bypass Windows UAC by creating COM handler registry entries in the Hive Key Current User hive. These created registry entries are referenced when certain high integrity processes are loaded which eventually results in the process of loading user controlled DLLs (as you already know DLLs are Dynamic Link Libraries).

These DLLs the exploit loads contain the payloads that result in elevated sessions. After the payload is invocated, registry key modifications this module makes are cleaned up. This module invokes the target binary via cmd.exe on the target. Therefore if cmd.exe access is restricted, this module will not run correctly.

Now let us see how this exploit works. As for every privilege escalation exploit, we need to already have a meterpreter session like the one we have here. Background the current meterpreter session and remember the session id. Search for the bypassuac_comhijack module as shown below.

Load the bypassuac_comhijack module as shown below and check its options by using the “show options” command as shown below.

Explanation of how to exploit bypassuac comhijack vulnerability

Set the session id as shown below and execute the exploit using “run” command as shown below. If everything went right, we will have another meterpreter session as shown below.

Check the privileges using the “getuid” command. If you still don’t have system privileges, run command “getsystem” and even if it results in an error, check your privileges once again using command “getuid“. You should definitely have system privileges by now.

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Windows UAC Bypass using Fodhelper

Hello aspiring hackers. Today we will see an exploit which helps us in Windows 10 Privilege escalation. Till now, there was no exploit for privilege escalation in Windows 10. Recently we got one. This module will bypass Windows 10 UAC by hijacking a special key in the Registry under the current user hive and inserting a custom command that will get invoked when the Windows fodhelper.exe application is launched.

Once the UAC flag is turned off, this module will spawn a second shell with system privileges. This module modifies a registry key, but cleans up the key once the payload has been invoked. The module does not require the architecture of the payload to match the OS.

Imagine we have a scenario where we got meterpreter access to a Windows 10 system ( See how to hack Windows 10 with Hercules and see how to hack Windows 10 with hta exploit).

To use the fodhelper module to escalate privileges, we need to background the current session.

Search for fodhelper module using the search command.

Image explaining about Windows privilege escalation with fodhelper module

Load the module and set the session ID as shown below.

Run the module as shown below.

As you can see, we successfully got a meterpreter session. When I check privileges, its still user privileges but when I run “getsystem” command, I get system privileges on Windows 10.


Microsoft had already released patches. Just make sure your system is updated.