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Hacking Vsftpd FTP server

In the previous howto, we saw how information about the services running in the target system can help us in researching about them and finding vulnerabilities in those software. In this article, readers will learn about hacking vsftpd. For example, imagine I am a black hat who performed a Nmap scan on the target (in this case, Metasploitable). The target has displayed so many banners of the services running.

Let us see if we can try out the FTP service at port 21 to get access to the system. Since I am a black hat, assume I have not performed any automated vulnerability scan. Following the process shown in the last howto, I google about vsftpd 2.3.4.

I got a lot of information about the FTP service at port 21. Vsftpd stands for very secure FTP daemon and the present version installed on Metasploitable 2 (1.e 2.3.4) has a backdoor installed inside it. It seems somebody already hacked vsftpd and uploaded a backdoor installed Vsftpd daemon. This malicious version of vsftpd was available on the master site between June 30th 2011 and July 1st 2011. So our target might be using the malicious version. While searching for exploit on exploit database, I found a Metasploit exploit for this vulnerability. So I start Metasploit and search for the exploit. I found it after some time.

hacking vsftpd

I loaded the module and checked its options using “show options” command.

The only option required is the IP address of our target to be specified in the RHOST option. I set the RHOST option and execute the exploit using the “run” command.

I successfully got a shell on the target system as shown in the image above. I try out some basic Linux commands. As this shell has root privileges (shown in the above image), I decided to have a look at the passwd file of the target. Here it is.

Since we have shell access, we can perform all tasks which we perform from the terminal of a Linux system. We can even shutdown the remote system but keep in mind that you will lose your access to the system. That’s all in hacking vsftpd service.

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Bypassuac COMHijack Privilege Escalation Exploit

Recently, readers saw the Windows Fodhelper Privilege escalation exploit. Today we will learn about another Windows privilege escalation exploit that works on machines from Windows 7 to Windows 10. This exploit bypasses the User Account Control of the Windows and gives us system privileges. Its called Windows BypassUAC COMhijack exploit. How does it do this? Let us see.

COM stands for Component Object Model. It acts as a binary interface between various processes of different programming languages. In Windows, is is the basis for several other Microsoft technologies like OLE, OLE Automation, Browser Helper Object, ActiveX, COM+, DCOM, Windows shell, DirectX and Windows Runtime.

This module will bypass Windows UAC by creating COM handler registry entries in the Hive Key Current User hive. These created registry entries are referenced when certain high integrity processes are loaded which eventually results in the process of loading user controlled DLLs (as you already know DLLs are Dynamic Link Libraries).

These DLLs the exploit loads contain the payloads that result in elevated sessions. After the payload is invocated, registry key modifications this module makes are cleaned up. This module invokes the target binary via cmd.exe on the target. Therefore if cmd.exe access is restricted, this module will not run correctly.

Now let us see how this exploit works. As for every privilege escalation exploit, we need to already have a meterpreter session like the one we have here. Background the current meterpreter session and remember the session id. Search for the bypassuac_comhijack module as shown below.

Load the bypassuac_comhijack module as shown below and check its options by using the “show options” command as shown below.

Explanation of how to exploit bypassuac comhijack vulnerability

Set the session id as shown below and execute the exploit using “run” command as shown below. If everything went right, we will have another meterpreter session as shown below.

Check the privileges using the “getuid” command. If you still don’t have system privileges, run command “getsystem” and even if it results in an error, check your privileges once again using command “getuid“. You should definitely have system privileges by now.

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Enumerate Installed Programs on Windows

Hello aspiring hackers. In this howto, we will see how to enumerate installed programs a Windows system after compromise. This is a POST exploit in Metasploit which means this exploit is only available when we get a meterpreter session on the target system. Once a Windows system is hacked, privilege escalation is the next step. One of the ways to escalate privileges in a Windows system would be to find vulnerabilities in the programs installed in our target Windows system. We can do this manually but Metasploit has a post module to do exactly this. Let us see how to use it.

Send the current meterpreter session to background and load the enum_applications module as shown below. Just like any other POST module, it needs only one option, the session id of the meterpreter session we just sent to background.

module to enumerate installed programs on a windows target after gaining access

Set the session Id and execute the module as shown below.

As you can see, the module successfully gave us the programs installed on our victim’s system. Now we can search for any vulnerabilities in those programs which we could be used in privilege escalation. That is how we enumerate Installed programs in Windows.

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Vulnerability Assessment by hackers : Part 2

Vulnerability Assessment is the process of evaluating the weakness of a system or network. It identifies the vulnerabilities in a system or network and helps black hats to devise exploits to get access to a target system or network. We developed this Vulnerability assessment by hackers article to give readers an idea as to how hackers perform vulnerability assessment. For example, imagine I am a black hat who performed a Nmap scan on the target (in this case, Metasploitable). The target has displayed so many banners of the services running.

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Meterpreter architecture migration exploit

Hello aspiring hackers. You all know about the meterpreter payload. It is an advanced dynamically extensible payload of Metasploit. Meterpreter architecture migration exploit is a “post” exploit used to migrate from one architecture to another architecture. What is architecture? As we all know there are two main system architectures 32bit and 64bit.

Sometimes we happen to run our exploit from a 32bit machine to hack a 64bit machine or run our exploit from a 64bit machine to hack a 32bit machine. The meterpreter payload spawns a process according to the architecture of the attacking system. If the attacking system is 32bit, the meterpreter process is 32bit and if the attacking system is 64bit the meterpreter process is 64bit.

Sometimes there may be compatibility issues if we get a 32bit meterpreter session on a 64bit machine and vice versa. This is the exact reason why this module has been introduced. For example, in one of our previous howto, we hacked a 64bit machine from a 32bit Kali Linux. So we have a 32bit meterpreter session on a 64bit target system. To overcome the problems of incompatibility, we need to start a 64bit meterpreter session.

It is exactly in cases like these, this module comes handy. This module checks if the architecture of meterpreter is as same as the architecture of OS and if it is not, spawns a new process with the correct architecture and migrates into that process. Let’s see how this module works.

To use this module, we need to background the current session using command “background”. Then load the exploit as shown below. Type command “show options” to have a look at the options it requires.

meterpreter architecture migration from 32bit to 64bit and vice versa

We need to only set the session id of the meterpreter session we just sent to background and the exploit is good to go.

If you see in the above image, our exploit failed to run for the first time. This is because in the previous session we had system privileges and if we run this module we may lose the system privileges. But don’t worry we can change the options to overcome this problem.

Set “ignore_system” option to true and you should be fine to go. This time the exploit ran successfully. As you can see in the above image, our target is a 64bit machine and our meterpreter migrated to a 64bit process successfully. Lets check by typing command “session s -l” to see the available sessions. You can see we have a 64bit meterpreter now. Job performed.