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Beginners guide to shells in hacking

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about the most basic BUT most important concept in ethical hacking. What is it? What else, SHELLS. Shells in hacking or ethical hacking are a very important topic because any hack or pen test is not considered complete without acquiring a shell. But what exactly is a shell?

What is a shell?

In world of computing, a shell is a program or a tool that allows users with an interface to interact with the operating system directly. Shell is not an alien concept to you as you have might already used it at least once in your life no matter what operating system you use. If you are a Windows user, CMD and PowerShell are two examples of a shell.

Linux users almost use shell in their daily life to perform each and every operation. You are familiar with it as “terminal”. In Kali Linux, zshell is the default shell.

There are other types of shells in Linux like Bourne again shell (BASH) etc.

Now, you may ask what does this have to do with ethical hacking. In ethical hacking, a hacker or pen tester gains access to a machine, the first thing he tries to gain access to on the target system is a shell.

Types of shells in hacking

There are two types of shells in hacking and cyber security. They are Bind shell and Reverse shell.

1. Bind shell

A bind shell is a shell in which the connection is initiated by the attacker machine towards the target system. When a payload is executed on the target system, it opens a port to which the attacker system connects to. Let us demonstrate this. To do this, we will be exploiting the ms08_067 vulnerability using metasploit. Here, I will just focus on payloads we have already discuss about the ms08_067 vulnerability in our previous blogpost. First, we set a bind_tcp payload with LPORT option.

This payload when executed opens a port 4444 on the target system to which our attacker system would connect.

2. Reverse Shell

In a reverse shell, the shell is initiated from the target system and connects to a listening port on the attacker system. This type of shell is generally used by hackers to bypass Firewals. Let’s see an example. For this, I turn on the Firewall on the target system. When we try to use the same bind shell payload we used earlier, you can see that it fails to grab a shell.

This is because Firewall is dropping the packets. Let’s try to exploit it with a reverse shell now.

As you can see, this time we successfully got a shell.

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Beginners guide to Firewalls

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about Firewalls. A firewall is a software or a hardware device that acts as a wall between the internet and the internal networks or between any two networks. The main purpose of the firewall is to prevent malicious traffic from entering the internal network.

Based on the delivery method, a firewall can be classified into three types. They are,

  1. Hardware
  2. Software
  3. Cloud based

There are two types of firewalls based on the method of operation. They are, Host-based and Network based firewalls.

  1. A host-based firewall is a software that is installed on a computer or network. Ex: Windows Firewall.
  2. Network based firewall is a software or hardware firewall that acts as a barrier for the entire network.

Types of Firewalls

Different types of firewalls use different methods of operation to block malicious traffic. Before you learn about how firewalls operate, let’s first see how network traffic travels from one computer to another computer.

When one computer (let’s say computer A) sends data to another computer (let’s say computer B), the data is first split into differ parts which are known as packets. These packets are sent to computer B. Before being transmitted, a header is added at the beginning of each packet. This header contains information like source IP address, destination IP address, source and destination ports, network ports etc. Once these packets reach the computer B, they are reassembled. Now, let’s learn about the different types of firewalls.

1. Circuit level gateway:

The simplest types of firewall, it operates at the session layer of the OSI model. This type of firewall monitors TCP handshakes between two machines.

Based on the configured settings of the firewall, it accepts or blocks traffic. Circuit level gateways don’t inspect the packets. So as long as there is a handshake, even malware laden requests are allowed.

2. Packet filtering firewalls:

As the name of the firewall says, this firewall inspects the packet’s header for information about source and destination IP address, port etc. It operates on the network layer of OSI model. Note that it doesn’t inspect the actual payload.

3. Stateful Inspection firewall:

Stateful Inspection firewalls work on network and transport layer of the OSI models. It uses both TCP handshakes and packet filtering to detect malicious traffic. It specifies traffic as malicious after observing the traffic for a particular period of time which is known as state. Then it compares the network traffic to the observed state to classify traffic as malicious or not.

4. Proxy firewall:

A proxy firewall is mostly used to hide or make the IP address of the client’s system or network IP. It operates at the application layer and checks both header of the payload and the payload to classify traffic as malicious.

5. Next Generation firewall:

A next-generation firewall uses the features of all the above-mentioned firewalls to classify traffic as malicious or not.

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Beginners guide to IP spoofing

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about IP spoofing or IP address spoofing. To understand IP spoofing, you need to first understand what is an IP address?

What is an IP address?

Every house has an address no matter in which nation it is around the world. This address helps in identifying the location of the house. Just like physical houses, every computer too has an address. This address is known as Internet Protocol (IP) address. This IP address is used to identify the computer, laptop or any digital device around the internet.

I wouldn’t go all about IP addresses here, but I think this blogpost is a good start. To stick with basics, you can view the IP address of your device using the command “ipconfig” in Windows and “ip a” in Linux.

The IP address is needed for communication between various devices over internet. If your computer or mobile device doesn’t have the IP address, it cannot communicate over internet.

What is IP spoofing?

Well, let’s now get to the original topic of this blogpost. IP spoofing is the process of spoofing your IP address over the internet. It means changing the IP address of your device to something else other than assigned to your computer.

Why is IP spoofing needed?

How many times have we seen getting meterpreter session on our blog and in our magazine Well, in these cases, attackers IP address can be easily identified by viewing logs on the target system. In hacking, Black Hat Hackers spoof IP addresses to hide the source of their attack. IP spoofing is also used for genuine purposes like to protect their privacy.

Methods of IP spoofing

There are various method by which IP address can be spoofed.

1. Black Hat Hacker’s technique:

Black Hat Hackers often source their hacking attack through other IP addresses to hide their identity and to prevent tracking their hacking activity. Many computers in Fortune 200 companies are provided for sale on the dark web with access. Hackers buy access to these computers and source their hacking attacks from these systems. So, even if cybersecurity investigators detect the hacking attack, they can’t track the source to the original IP address of the hacker.

2. Proxy server:

A proxy server is a system or server that acts as a gateway between users and the internet. When they visit a website through a proxy, the IP address of the source computer is not shown and the IP address of the proxy server is logged on the target server. This is often used to bypass internet censorship.

3. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):

A virtual private network (VPN) is a mechanism that creates a secure connection between the source and target system. It uses encryption to create this secure connection.

Hacking attacks that use IP spoofing

1. DDOS attacks:

While performing a DDOS attack, attackers often use spoofed IP addresses to overwhelm the target server or website with requests.

2. Man in the Middle attacks (MiTM):

Packet sniffing attacks or Man in the middle (MiTM) attacks also use IP spoofing.

See how to spoof your IP address in Kali Linux.

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Beginners guide to OWASP ZAP

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. This blogpost is a complete guide to OWAS ZAP tool also known a zaproxy. OWASP ZAP stands for Zed Attack Proxy. OWASP ZAP is a widely popular web app scanner that is maintained by a volunteer. It is used by both novices in web security and professional pen testers. The features of OWASP ZAP include.

  1. Traditional & AJAX web crawler.
  2. An automated scanner.
  3. Passive Scan.
  4. Forced browsing.
  5. Fuzzer.
  6. Scripting language etc.

Let’s see how to use OWASP ZAP to scan a website. Zaproxy can be downloaded from here. OWASP ZAP is installed by default on Kali Linux. If it is not installed, it can be installed using the command shown below.

Once the installation is finished, it can be stored using the command “Zaproxy”.

Everytime it starts, it asks you whether to save the current session or not. Make your choice and click on “Start”.

This is the interface of OWASP ZAP. Let’s perform an automated scan of a website. As target, I will be using mutillidae web app installed on Metasploitable 2. See how to install Metasploitable 2.

To perform as automated scan, click on “Quick start” and give the URL to attack and then click on “Attack”.

The time taken to scan the entire website depends on the size of the target website. The good thing about OWASP ZAP is that it displays results as soon as it finds them. Any vulnerability can be found on the alerts tab highlighted in the image given below.

When you click on the “alerts” tab, all the vulnerabilities are displayed based on their severity. The one that interests you should by the one in red flags.

For example, here Zaproxy detected a path traversal or local file inclusion vulnerability. When you click on the vulnerability, it displays the URL where the vulnerability was detected.

When you double click on the alert, a new window opens with an elaborate description of the vulnerability detected and with a POC to be see it in action and even the solution to the vulnerability.

Copy the URL and paste it in a browser. Here as suggested by Zaproxy, the /etc/passwd/ of the target system can be seen.

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Complete guide to cryptography

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about cryptography or in the cybersecurity sense about encryption. The word cryptography came from a Greek word kryptos which means “hidden secret” and it plays a very important role in cybersecurity.

What is cryptography?

Cryptography is the study of secure communication techniques. It is closely associated with encryption which is an act of taking an ordinary text and scrambling it to transform it in to cipher text. The aim of this encryption is to make sure that the message is only understood by someone which it is intended to.

Types of Cryptographic techniques

There are three types of cryptographic techniques. They are,

  1. Single key cryptographic system (Symmetric encryption)
  2. Public key cryptographic system (Asymmetric encryption)
  3. Hash Functions.

What is a cryptographic key?

A cryptographic key is a string of characters used with an encryption algorithm to transform data into a scrambled form or cipher text.

What is an encryption algorithm?

An encryption algorithm is the method used to transform plain text to cipher text.

1. Symmetric encryption (Single key cryptographic system)

In symmetric encryption, a single key is used to both encrypt and decrypt data.

Hence it is known as single key cryptographic system. Symmetric encryption is very fast and hence used wherever speed is required for encryption. For example, it is used for encrypting credit card information and other confidential information, making malware and virus Fully Undetectable (FUD) etc. There are various encryption algorithms. The most popular encryption algorithms are DES, 2DES, 3DES, AES, IDEA, RC4, RC5, RC6, Blowfish etc.

2. Public key cryptographic system or asymmetric encryption (PKCS):

Also known as asymmetric encryption, Public key cryptographic system (PKCS) uses two keys: Public key and Private key. The data is encrypted with the Public key and can only be decrypted with private key or vice versa.

Since two different keys are used for encryption and decryption, even if any attacker knows about the key used for encryption there is no threat to any data. It is more secure than the single key cryptographic system but a bit slow. This is used in online communications like HTTPS, digital signatures etc. Example of Public key cryptography system algorithms are RSA, Diffie-Hellman etc.

3. Hash Functions or Message Digests:

A hash function is a versatile one-way cryptographic algorithm that converts plain text to a fixed length of encrypted text which is known as a message digest or simply a hash. A hash is known as a one-way function since once it encrypted it cannot be decrypted but (or decrypting it is very complex and difficult). Hash functions and message digests are used whenever the decrypting is not needed like hashing the passwords etc. Example of hash functions are MD5, SHA-1, SHA-512, RIPEMD etc.